The Ghost Is Clear Records

The Reptilian / Two Knights / Victor Shores / Boy Parts split 7"

Veterans in the midwest emo / diy scene join up to showcase a moment in time and a mutual respect for friends who are as important as any song(s)
MICHIGAN / TEXAS / MINNESOTA / MISSOURI be proud support those who have worked very hard to showcase something they feel very strongly about. Its not easy the sacrifices we all make to make diy punk shows / releases go down. Respect and Time create Legends sometimes they're in yr back yard.
love one another and enjoy what these friends are very excited to present to you.
*artwork by John Harmon
**this is a preorder item, Item will ship as soon as we have them here.

Track Listing

  1. Nahimastay
  2. Dazzler
  3. Not Yeti
  4. Live a Long Time and Take Care of Yourself

Pressing Information

150 Coke Bottle Clear
350 Black
10 Test Presses
corelease with Skeletal Lightning