The Ghost Is Clear Records



WHOA where to start...
There are some new items in the store that alot of my friends have really put alot of work into, and would like you to hear it.
It is both our and ZEGEMA BEACH RECORDS honor to present
a long working ideal between many minds, here it is.

MEDITATIONS IN AFFINITY's first installment

streaming at tgic and zegema beach bandcamp. and up for preorder in the store
4 new songs from DIY stalwarts Life in Vacuum, Canyons, Crowning, Hundreds of AU
600 copies 300 on pink 300 on black and 23 translucent red tests (15 avail in store)
these will be available on the upcoming Crowning europe tour and Life in Vacuum US tour
get yrs now in the tgic webstore.

You already know EKUMEN's amazing debut lp drops today (meaning all digital gets shipped with purchase of tape) this shit slap! you should aslo ORDER AN LP FROM THEIR BANDCAMP as my ten copies will not last!

well the Plant surprised us and now we're already holding Ekumen's Heel Turn split as well.
So to celebrate they are in the store early
These will ship soon.

*digital download mailed upon purchase
6 white release show copies available in the 4 packs with free shipping
Ekumen and Heel Turn really doing it up.
grab yrs in the store.

been a few months since we ran out of Heel Turn's newest EP CS
but as shows are coming this summer.
DEATH CALLS, FEAR CEASES CS 2nd press preorder is up.

THANK YOU FOR your interest / support.
Bobby / Brian TGIC RECS

EKUMEN! self titled tape Posted 30 Apr 2019

very pleased to announce preorders for the limited cassette version of EKUMEN's self titled debut.
the New Orleans band is Raw and Real. The band handled the vinyl pressing, that should speak volumes. DIY relentlessness is Community, it sets a good example of sticking with something til fruition. The outlook of and continuation of Punk or alternative / experimental music (the people who give huge portions of their lives to it) matter. Anyone who submerses themselves can immediately see the value of the melting pot of ideas and the in the moment feeling / memories the dirges make. All of the experience you have over the years comes rushing back, when you realize the tones and urgency are what did it, all you can be is thankful for the proper capture of the spirit.
Limited CS in the Store.
Listen Here!

BIG WATER TOUR! Posted 26 Apr 2019

BIG WATER played Kirby's in Wichita last night and are well on their way to rip through TEXAS
GO SEE THEM and Pick something up from em or get them a Brewski.

get yr download at Big Water / TGIC / or ZBR Bandcamp
Most importantly show yr friends cool bands you like.
They would tell their friends if they liked yr band.

HEEL TURN - Death Calls, Fear Ceases Ep Posted 02 Mar 2019

HEEL TURN - Death Calls, Fear Ceases Ep

NOW AVAILABLE .... well sort of
its already sold out first press (cassette)
still limited amount of cd run left
the 3 song EP is streaming on label and bands bandcamps for now.
a second press will be announced in the near future
Thank You for the support.

Canyons Rufus now on 10" Posted 31 Oct 2018

very excited to have TGIC RECS first release (digital download)

now available in physical form

Just added to the store.
expect alot from Canyons in the coming months pick up yrs now!

My America Is Watching Tigers Die Misses ! Posted 16 Sep 2016

OH ME OH MY now available and shipping soon My America "misses" LP and shirt bundles

All tracks emailed with purchase.
Happy "MISSES" day
share with all who like to groove
have a great day
-TGIC guys
LP available now Link BELOW

2016 Sampler available! Posted 03 Aug 2016

Been awhile? need to reconnect with that realness?

Share Share Share Share Cher Share Share Share
DOWNLOAD BELOW or BANDCAMP has it as well.
copy and paste this around as much as you like.

Ittō - Pursuant 12" / european tour w/ Joliette Posted 03 May 2016

Words cannot express any of my thoughts accurately
so lets try and let music speak for itself
have a great day everyone.

stoked to announce Itto's European tour with our dear friends Joliette. Vinyl pre-orders are live in the store! Big thanks to Flix Agency andI.CORRUPT.RECORDS for helping such a sick string of dates happen!

Edhochuli Cassettes! plus expect a sick preorder in the coming days! Posted 07 Apr 2016

Finally put up the Edhochuli Dream Warriors Cassettes.
they taking them on tour too!