The Ghost Is Clear Records


Consumer Culture - The Future is a Pile of Bodies07.21.2023 · The Ghost is Clear · TGIC124

Demons "Under the Western Heel"07.21.2023 · TGIC RECS, KNIFE HITS · TGIC118

No Lights - Dream Eraser06.09.2023 · The Ghost is Clear · TGIC119

Easy Blame - Easy Blame05.12.2023 · The Ghost is Clear · TGIC122

STRANDED split 12"05.03.2023 · The Ghost is Clear / Learning Curve Records · TGIC116

Heel Turn - Glamorous Void04.28.2023 · The Ghost is Clear · TGIC120

SCENARIO. - WHEN ALL IS SAID AND DONE04.24.2023 · The Ghost is Clear / Zegema Beach / Mishap / Limited to ONE · TGIC117

NERVER "CASH" 2ND PRESS06.30.2023 · The Ghost is Clear · TGIC100

Easy Prey "Teeth" 12" 05.10.2023 · The Ghost is Clear · TGIC112

CROWNING + EYELET split 7"02.22.2023 · The Ghost is Clear · TGIC111

Ajeeb - Refractions LP03.29.2023 · The Ghost is Clear / (many more) · TGIC109