The Ghost Is Clear Records


Birth Order - Farewell, Square Horse CD04.16.2022 · The Ghost is Clear · TGIC102

Pink Room - Putain Royale04.06.2022 · The Ghost is Clear · TGIC093

Basement Family - Eerie Ennui04.15.2022 · The Ghost is Clear · TGIC092

DUG - Pain Machine CD/LP03/25/2022 · The Ghost is Clear · TGIC098

Almanac Man - For Your Cause 03/04/2022 · The Ghost is Clear · TGIC096

Big Water - Park EP Limited CS02.18.2022 · The Ghost is Clear · TGIC097

Canyons - Stay Buried LP03.04.2022 · The Ghost is Clear / Zegema Beach / Knife Hits / Reptilian / Forbidden Place · TGIC065

Went White EP CS01.07.2022 · The Ghost is Clear · TGIC095

New Grass - Scordatura_Perforations 12"12.13.2021 · The Ghost is Clear / Zegema Beach · TGIC088

Remain Sedate - Unwell12.03.2021 · The Ghost is Clear · TGIC094

Glowing Brain - Brain Dust12.10.2021 · The Ghost is Clear · TGIC086

Intercourse - Canyons split 7"12.18.2021 · TGIC091